Thursday, December 4, 2014

Overweight vs. Obesity

What is obesity exactly?  What differentiates between being simply overweight versus obese?  “Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual’s ideal body weight” (Metcalf, 13) Body composition is normally determined by using a simple formula that involves weight and height.  Age and gender are both factors in determining the body mass index of an individual.  This same formula is also used in children.  Other factors can effect a child’s body mass index as well, such as growth.  The body mass index number determines whether an individual is overweight or obese.  The higher the number, the closer the individual can reach an obese status. 

School recess, in particular, is an important factor in decreasing childhood obesity.  Unfortunately, many school systems over the years have decreased or eliminated recess time in order to increase classroom time.  This decline in physical activity has contributed to the obesity epidemic among our children.  It is unfortunate that you will find more children sitting in front of televisions, behind iPads and tablets, or engrossed in video games instead of getting physical exercise.  Exercise is a habit that must be implemented early and recess is a great form of exercise that is fun for the children but can also add to their classroom curriculum.

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