Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Fighting the Fat

Keeping recess in schools is a vital contribution to keeping childhood obesity rates down.  Over the past two decades, children are becoming heavier and less active.  School districts are cutting back on recess times and physical education for various reason. However, no reason is good enough if it is at the expense of children’s health. 

Lack of physical activity can cause tremendous amounts of health problems in the near and far future.  Not to mention, children who are obese now are more likely to be obese later in life. 

There are different resolutions for solving the obesity crisis, such as limiting high calorie foods, regular doctor visits to monitor for any disorders that can exacerbate obesity, and incorporating a healthier lifestyle.  One of the most important answers to solving the obesity epidemic is to increase physical activity in children.  The easiest, least expensive, and most effective way to accomplish is to keep recess in schools and increase the recess time to a minimum of 30 minutes.  This change can alter the lives of children for the better.

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